Ego vs. True Self

How do we know if we are acting from our Ego or from our True self? This blog post was initiated by an encounter on my jog today. I was already midway through the street and a car making a turn deliberately made me stop short as they zoomed past me, it was as close as I have ever been to feeling like I could have been hit by a car. My first reaction was anger. As I continued to bear witness to my thought patterns, I watched as my Ego blurted out one judgmental thought after another. I interrupted reminding myself that we are all doing the best we can with the information we currently have. I also reminded myself of the times I felt frustrated with pedestrians who just walk out in front of cars (This happens often for me, living in a College community). Once I leveled with this person, I felt peace and thats all we really want, right? Ego, how do we know if it is taking the front seat in our reactions, or in our life overall?

“The True Self whispers and the Ego shouts”

If your first reaction is appear better, smarter, or just overall one-up someone or something, you are living in Ego. If your professional and personal life is ruled by competition and beating them "to it", you are living in Ego. If you spend anytime comparing yourself to others - you are most definitely living in Ego. If you are living in Ego, you will always be suffering, always be searching for happiness that is fleeting and in-permanent. You will always be trying to prove your worth, when the truth is you are already whole. Living in Ego causes us to forget that we are connected to others and act out of fear. Acting out of fear can show up as resentment, anger, blame, and more. When our Ego takes the front seat, we may have victim mentality, unable to take responsibility for our life circumstances. When we come from True Self, we understand that all is perfect as it should be and we are here to make the best of it. When we act from True Self we take ownership of our shortcomings and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. When Ego takes a front seat, we may be stuck in past or future, not realizing that life is actually happening in the now. "We make plans and God laughs". Live your life now, one day, one moment, one breathe at a time. That doesn't mean you give up on your goals, it means you work at them consistently and wholeheartedly and detached, because you know that anything could happen and turn your world upside down- or right side up! You work consistently without sabotaging others or doing "whatever it takes to win". It means you stay present and focused on the moment in front of you. The True Self acts from an authentic place, because when we act from a place of fear, our heart knows and it breaks for us. If it is kept up we literally cause dis-ease in our bodies and minds. 

The True Self whispers and the Ego shouts. The good news is, we can befriend our Ego. It can be a driver, a motivator. We must listen to the whisper because the louder voice can drown it out. The way to connect with that whisper; get quiet, spend time in nature, meditate, read ancient texts (you do NOT have to be religious), practice a mind-body form of movement (Yoga, Tai Chi), Meditate, do Yoga Nidra, make positive affirmations in regards to your work, love life, spiritual quests, etc. Find what brings you true Joy and do it often and be present while you are doing it. I promise these things work and the inner guide who whispers will get louder, and clearer. My inner voice listened behind the Egos judgmental thoughts, and once it steered me in the right direction, it told me "I forgive you, its okay". It knows the judgmental thoughts are not who I truly am, they are only that - judgmental thoughts. My True Self knows that you are me, and I am you. The True Self understands contentment. Contentment is knowing that you don't have to wait until you reach your destination to be happy, because if you do you will always be reaching. But enough reading, get to listening to your inner voice - because it is the voice that knows !