Affirming Our Resiliency - Entering 2021

I remember seeing a lot of memes same time last year that talked about how terrible 2019 was and how many were happy to see it go. They alluded to the idea that 2020 would somehow be better. 
I remember seeing this and thinking to myself, how can we know what is to come? My perspective at that time was rooted in reflecting upon the hardest year of my life - 2019. It was the year I married my amazing husband, and lost my little brother unexpectedly just 10 short days later. I came into 2020 with my eyes open and with no expectations. I like to think, although I struggled in many ways this past year, that my hardships really served me well in the the tribulations 2020 has brought. 

I reflect on this to say, I think that that collectively we are going into 2021 in a very similar way that I entered 2020. The illusion of predictability, assurance, and security was lifted this year and the truth exposed: we do not know what 2021 will bring.

Kinda doomsy perhaps?

Yes and No. 

There is wisdom one of my healers imparted onto me a few months ago after I found out I was pregnant. I would like to share it with you. I was excited (and surprised!) after that positive pregnancy test AND I was terrified. Terrified of loosing someone else I love (in this case - the pregnancy). My healer let me know that I have gotten through loss before, and if I needed to - I can and I will again. 
This was so refreshing because I was not ready to switch my thinking into bright and shiny thoughts. However, what I could do is remind myself of my resiliency
Instead of trying to manifest something positive or to re frame our pattern of thinking into something hopeful when it simply will not shift that way, try affirming something like this:

I can get through whatever life brings me. 
I have done it before, and I can do it again. 
I can thrive despite what life throws my way. 
I have done it before, and I can do it again. 

& you guys: We all have done it this year. We have somehow gotten through. Maybe you do not see it now because you are in the darkness and the depths, but you are here

As we enter 2021 my question to you is: How can you better care for your heart and soul? Not in a resolution-Y type of way. In a way that really nourishes you and does not add onto to your plate. In fact, it might mean releasing something from your schedule to make space to care for yourself. 

Feel free to let me know your thoughts

Happy New Year

~ Amy

2020. Time to stop thinking there is not enough to go around. A vent and remedy?

Do you know what a skeptic is?

It is someone who throughly looks at all sides, openly takes in information, and makes a decision based on that. It is not someone who blindly follows societal views, never questioning, never open to something different or "uncomfortable".

So before you call yourself a skeptic the next time someone brings something to your attention that you do not believe in and you shut down -- Think twice, you are not a skeptic, you are currently close-minded.

I have been hearing in the circles I surround myself, and on the podcasts I listen to ;-), that 2020 begins a time of increased evolution, growth, moving towards unity, and learning to understand ourselves (seek therapy, healing, etc). I pray it is so.

It is time we vibrate higher.

I am SO tired. I am filled with grief with the state of things.

I am SO tired of watching my family and friends seek out medical help and are failed, who think that the answers only lie outside of themselves and are hurt by modern medicines when there are an abundance of other options. I was there too. I felt hopeless and broken. No more.

I am so tired of watching them think there is nothing else and therefore literally dying adhering to the system that was manufactured, packaged, and sold to us last century. Perhaps even worse -watching them give up. I am sad for the ones who want to seek help holistically and simple cant afford it, or aren’t sure if it is worth the investment because of the incessant belittling and fear-producing content coming from the western medical community.

(Disclaimer: i acknowledge modern medicine and its place, the amazing people who follow that path, and its great advances and healing powers) However. It is not and has never been enough.

I am SO tired of a world where we are fooled thinking there is not enough to go around -->

A modern medical system who will NOT acknowledge natural medicine (not in a way that really matters yet anyway). SO sick and tired of insurance companies who think there is not enough to go around so they hyper-focus on pharma, thinking only it will fill their pockets, the only thing they care about. It is the biggest lie and it is devastating to watch. My soul hurts.

So tired of us killing our earth, "fighting it" when it cries for help, because at that point - we have no choice. All she wants is us to feed and honor her and she will show us how she can and will feed us, heal us, tenfold.

SO tired of a world where we think there is not enough land to go around.

We will destroy our planet and destroy ourselves. Is this our fate?

When we finally leave this realm and look back on this beautiful earth, many will be in deep grief that we were so, so so, OFF, if they are not already.

A healer and friend taught me something that has helped me so much when this intense grief and sadness comes up around these topics.

The Control model. There is the things I can control, and the things I cannot.


I can control how I react, how I treat others, what I do for a living. I can control how I care for the environment, myself, and my loved ones. I can seek my own healing so I show up purposefully in this world. I can control my vote. I can control how I vote with my dollars. I can grow my own food, buy local. I can control the information I share, praying it somehow makes a difference, even if it is for someone else to feel heard and understood.

& I can be angry and sad over the things I cannot control. I can feel them and ask God or higher power to help guide me to my purpose here, listen more, treat our earth kindly, and always do my best.
