Affirming Our Resiliency - Entering 2021

I remember seeing a lot of memes same time last year that talked about how terrible 2019 was and how many were happy to see it go. They alluded to the idea that 2020 would somehow be better. 
I remember seeing this and thinking to myself, how can we know what is to come? My perspective at that time was rooted in reflecting upon the hardest year of my life - 2019. It was the year I married my amazing husband, and lost my little brother unexpectedly just 10 short days later. I came into 2020 with my eyes open and with no expectations. I like to think, although I struggled in many ways this past year, that my hardships really served me well in the the tribulations 2020 has brought. 

I reflect on this to say, I think that that collectively we are going into 2021 in a very similar way that I entered 2020. The illusion of predictability, assurance, and security was lifted this year and the truth exposed: we do not know what 2021 will bring.

Kinda doomsy perhaps?

Yes and No. 

There is wisdom one of my healers imparted onto me a few months ago after I found out I was pregnant. I would like to share it with you. I was excited (and surprised!) after that positive pregnancy test AND I was terrified. Terrified of loosing someone else I love (in this case - the pregnancy). My healer let me know that I have gotten through loss before, and if I needed to - I can and I will again. 
This was so refreshing because I was not ready to switch my thinking into bright and shiny thoughts. However, what I could do is remind myself of my resiliency
Instead of trying to manifest something positive or to re frame our pattern of thinking into something hopeful when it simply will not shift that way, try affirming something like this:

I can get through whatever life brings me. 
I have done it before, and I can do it again. 
I can thrive despite what life throws my way. 
I have done it before, and I can do it again. 

& you guys: We all have done it this year. We have somehow gotten through. Maybe you do not see it now because you are in the darkness and the depths, but you are here

As we enter 2021 my question to you is: How can you better care for your heart and soul? Not in a resolution-Y type of way. In a way that really nourishes you and does not add onto to your plate. In fact, it might mean releasing something from your schedule to make space to care for yourself. 

Feel free to let me know your thoughts

Happy New Year

~ Amy

Global Grief & the benefit of Self-Study

What I know about the grieving experience is that you often don’t realize the extent of its effect on your life until it's pointed out to you or you take the time to observe. At the time I am writing this it is April 2020, and we are in the midst of a global pandemic. It is also a time whether we are aware of it or not, that we are facing Global Grief. Grief happens as a result of the loss of anything or anyone we are attached to. In my experience with grief and any other human emotion or experience, is that acknowledgement softens the blow. When I can acknowledge that I am in pain, and not resist it, then my suffering lessons, a bit. This is not my own self-discovery. The roots of my perspective begin with the yogic principle of “Swadhaya” or self-study/self-observance. It is the practice of observing the self: emotions/mind/feelings/physical body. The key is to observe the self without judgement.  An example: I am observing the pain in my upper back. I am observing I feel angry. I am observing I feel angry and recognizing beneath the anger is a lack of control. The latter being a bit more nuanced in our “observing”. Through this observation, the yogis say, we get to know the “Seer”, the one who observes, the higher Self. How does this support us now?

I believe many of us are tumbling around these past few weeks (or months) unaware of our grief. We might be expecting to react “business as usual”, maintaining routines or setting new ones, beginning new projects or endeavours, perhaps expecting to do something transformative! I know I did. If this is you and it is going well - great! I am not here to discourage you. If you found that at some point during this experience you were completely exhausted, burnt out, sad, unmotivated, agitated, distracted, numb sleeping a lot or too little, the list goes on - I am hoping this post softens the blow for you, and you acknowledge that you may be in some way affected by this Global grief, if not directly, indirectly. 

Are you not as productive as you hoped? Maybe you’re forgetting conversations that happened or misplacing things in your home. Perhaps you feel an intense need for withdrawal, or the contrary - to be surrounded by people. 

Just the other day I went to look for an important document in my file cabinet that in my “right” mind would have been correctly filed and placed where I could find it easily. The thing is, I put it away sometime this last summer, when I was deep in the throes of grief over my brother. So needless to say, it’s nowhere to be found. I look back at those times and I was giving myself time to grieve but another part of me had my foot in the world, trying to stay in the loop. I made many silly mistakes, I didn’t feel like myself. Sometimes I still don’t. My whole being was consumed in grief. Of course I was forgetful, confused, unproductive.

Some days I would numb out, preferring to be distracted from the pain, watch netflix, neglect my Yoga practice. I had to do that for a period of time, to cope, to get through. If this is you and you desire change but just cannot begin - my advice would be to try to stop shaming yourself first. Do your best to release the shame of what you are doing, or how you are acting in order to cope and instead treat yourself like you would a dear friend, a beloved, a child, a pet. In order to do this you first must acknowledge and observe your actions/reactions. Do your best to simply observe where you are at. You can ask yourself:

Are you sad/anger/confused/scared/lonely today or in this moment?

What makes you feel better?

What makes you feel worse?

What brings you some peace?

What were you doing when you felt totally present?

If we do not stop to observe and ask, we miss the opportunity to really know ourselves in these hard times. I invite you to get to know yourself in “sickness and health”, in happiness and sadness, in grief and in love. This is the practice of Swadhaya - self-study. It is a spiritual process, the biggest gift to not only ourselves, but the world at large. When we get to know ourselves we pave the way for others to do the same.

When we know ourselves, we know what our triggers are, we know when we need some space, we know when we need to reach out for support. There comes a time when we might feel that nudge to shift, to begin to invite healing. When that time comes and we have gotten to know ourselves, we may be guided to the paths of healing that suit us best; Yoga, Private Yoga Therapy, Holistic medicine, Medication, Therapy, reaching out to friends/family, exercise, nature, getting a pet, etc.

As we grieve together in this crisis, how much do you wish you could go walk into your Yoga studio and smell the scent of oils or incense and be in that moment like nothing else mattered. How badly do you want to sit with your loved one that you're not quarantined with and hug them and listen to them and watch them speak, in the flesh. How about these moments now: your time alone, or your time in nature, or with your work, or with your children. How present are you now? Are you truly seeing it for what it is. Have you given yourself space so that you are able to? 

So the invite is simple - not easy, to be aware, to observe. To practice seeing - really seeing; yourself and the world around you. Closing your eyes and observing your inner self. Try practice observing first with no decisions or conclusions, or solutions. Just open eyes and open heart. When years go by and you look back on these tough times, it could be a blur and that would be OK - or it could be a time where you gathered useful information about you, your inner workings, a time you really observed and were awake and alive. Yes - alive- after all, suffering is what binds us earthlings.

{{ Sending prayers to those who are sick, who lost a loved one, who are worried, who are in situations that don’t allow for the opportunity for self-observation, who are busy working keeping our planet going, and more - I see you <3}}

Best wishes,


Grief Pondering's

Yoga Sutra Contemplation: Through sincere and consistent effort the practice of Yoga provides: 

“Identification of oneself as living within the infinite stream of life” Sutra 11.47

This is my deepest hearts desire at this time

Summers bright and warming sun is turning into cool fall evenings, a transition we go through every year. This year, in my current experience, this transition is a bit more heavy and complicated. 

June 8 2019 I married an amazing man, we went on our honeymoon & just 10 short days later, I lost my little brother suddenly on June 18th 2019. My wedding and the beautiful memories I have of him and our family will always be the last moments I had with Justin.

It was almost 4 months ago. So this fall has been very transitional for many reasons. I struggle with the change because I realize he was here for summer, but he is not coming with us in the fall.

The first 2 months of my mourning I spent sleeping and weeping and isolating. My grief manifested as extreme exhaustion. Most of the time I did not want to hear about healing and for a bit there I thought it best if I never do. I help others heal and inner growth is not only a career, is it the way I live my life. So this was out of character. I knew enough to hold space for myself as grief settled into my bones.

I felt that this dark gaping hole was my new home and I liked it that way. All the while, another part of me knew that I will climb out of this with more awareness and growth then ever. I am still shedding and growing, always. One thing is certain, the path is not linear. There are just as many set backs are their are growth spurts.
My brother is apart of me, and my heart is utterly shattered. I am learning how to continue to have a relationship with him & the divine, wherever he is now. 

What I am experiencing now that I am crawling out of the debilitating period of my grief - is a new found lense for life. One I thought I already had. However, it turns out I haven’t scratched the surface. This lense allows me to see the bigger picture and soak up the little moments where I used to be inpatient, waiting for what comes next. It invites me to open my eyes, look around, and soak up this earth -a very very temporary home. 
The questions: Why are we here? Why am I here? What is this for? What is my hearts deepest longing? Are all apart of my daily contemplations. 
 I don’t know if I will get the exact answer for these questions but the ask is enough for now.

I have found I am more present and that I choose to make space for only what is meaningful for me. I am finding it is more natural to be vulnerable and speak from the heart. I place a higher priority on soaking up the beautiful pieces and people of my life that God has still left for myself and my family, because if I don’t fully embrace them, why else have I been chosen to remain with the living? What could be more important during our time of living, if Love is simply the only thing that matters in the end?  I choose more then ever to not allow a joyful moment to just pass by as if it isn’t the most important thing there is in this world. Love really is all that matters, it is the glue between this world and where we go after. What if that is our only purpose? To love and be loved. To learn to love oneself and offer our authentic gifts to our little corners of this planet. It can be as simple as baking someone something, adding light into the life of a stranger, helping out a friend, etc. Our authentic gifts do not always present as big passion projects. 

All for now..

Soak it up<3
